September 2008

Discussion in 'CA3' started by fischer, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. fischer

    fischer Member

    In the examiner's report, the solution to the first question says:
    "Firstly, I would like to put your mind to rest and confirm that you are correct that the XYZ Pension Scheme is covered by the GPSF."

    I don't know if the pensioner's mind is actually put to rest in the knowledge that the scheme is covered by the GPSF. It is almost raising hopes because the reader might momentarily feel like he will continue to receive his full pension; until of course he reads the next statement that says the pension will be reduced.

    So the pensioner's mind is not really put to rest by knowing that the scheme is covered by the GPSF. Yes, if the pension was not changed then I would fully understand a statement along the lines of:
    ""Firstly, I would like to put your mind to rest and confirm that your pension would not be affected."

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated - especially if there is something I've missed.

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