September 2007

Discussion in 'SA5' started by bobbathejobba, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. bobbathejobba

    bobbathejobba Member

    Wow yet another exam which made a mockery of all my hard effort learning the Core Reading. Got the bookwork question 2 on disaster plans but the rest seemed like common sense which wasn't that common to me.

    There must be someone else out there who sat this as well. You can't all be sitting SA4! Let me know I'm not alone here!
  2. Meldemon

    Meldemon Member

    Also sat SA5, and haven't the foggiest about the outcome.

    I long for the days of doing numerical exams - you pretty much know half way through writing your answer whether you're completely wrong or at least halfway right...
  3. bobbathejobba

    bobbathejobba Member

    Those were the days! Shot through those exams - just got bogged down with the words - regurgitation used to be enough for the STs - but this was like the examiners had picked up another subject's Core Reading...

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