September 2006 Q3 (iii)

Discussion in 'CT8' started by mange, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. mange

    mange Member

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know why to work out the equation below? I've looked at it for a long time and couldn't figure out how to get to the second line. It comes from the solution of Q3 (iii).

    dV(t) = d(e^rt*Ft) = re^rt*Ftdt + e^rt dFt
    = re^rt*Ftdt + e^rt *OtdSt + re^rt (Ft - Ot*Dt) dt = OtdSt + ψt dBt.

    Your help is much appreciated.

  2. This question's been posted a while ago but in case anyone's wondering the second line in the solution that mange refers to cannot be directly derived from the previous one (at least I cannot do so), but requires some intermediate steps as follows:

    dV(t) = d(e^rt*Ft) = r*e^rt*Ftdt + e^rt dFt

    = r*e^rt*Ftdt + e^rt Ot dDt .. from part (ii)
    and since Dt = e^-rt * St this becomes

    = r*e^rt*Ftdt + e^rt Ot (-r*e^-rt St dt + e^-rt dSt)

    cancelling out the exp's we get

    = r*e^rt*Ftdt + Ot dSt - r Ot St dt

    = Ot dSt + r*e^rt (Ft dt - Ot Dt dt)

    = Ot dSt + r*e^rt ψt dt

    = Ot dSt + ψt dBt.

    (apologies for the awkward notation) ;)

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