sept05 Q2 (iv)

Discussion in 'SA3' started by TiredOfExams, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. TiredOfExams

    TiredOfExams Member


    I think this is a simple Reinsurance pricing question but I don't understand how to do it.

  2. Ian Senator

    Ian Senator ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    We couldn't understand what was going on here either (neither in the question nor the solution...).

    A number of students have raised this query - I have passed it on to the examiners, and they have said they'll get back to me when they've worked out what's going on. They need to contact the original question-writer. I'll post something here when I receive a reply. But it won't be before Monday...!
  3. Ian Senator

    Ian Senator ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    OK - here's the explanation from the Profession:

    The question is not worded very well.
    It was meant to say that the premium for the basic XL contract is 25% of £1m. The premium for the RPP contract (which pays out the XL premium in the same circumstances) is thus 25% of 25% of £1m. Net this down for expenses and you get the risk premium.

    Thankfully it's only a small part of the question so I hope it wouldn't have influenced anyone's chances of passing.
  4. Grizzly

    Grizzly Member

    i'm curious, i read the question, misunderstood, came up with a solution which is (theoretically) wrong and coincidentally got the right answer. :confused:

    Would the markers have given me any marks (assuming markers didn't understand the question too well either)?

    my calcs:
    RP: 250k *0.8 = 200k * 5 (for 4 free reinstatements) = £1m
    RPP: 200k (from above) + 750k (3 paid reinstatements) = £950k
    diff is £50k
  5. Ian Senator

    Ian Senator ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Who knows!

    I'd have thought they'd have given marks for anything "reasonable", particularly as the question was a bit odd.

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