Sept. 2022 Paper B - Q4 (v) (a)

Discussion in 'CS1' started by Naitik Shah, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. Naitik Shah

    Naitik Shah Keen member

    For the question mentioned in the subject, I have used a slightly different approach in comparison to the one produced in the ER. The maximum possible marks for the same question is 6. Do let me know the score that I would obtain using my method.

    Answer in the Examiner's Report:
    Median<- rep(0,5)
    Mean<- rep(0,5)
    Var<- rep(0,5)
    for(i in 1:5)
    { Median<- median(salary.current[job.type==i] )
    Mean<- mean(salary.current[job.type ==i] )
    Var<- var(salary.current[job.type ==i] ) }

    ## Median # 9.180 9.285 9.410 10.160 10.030
    ## Mean # 9.168571 9.280333 9.440000 10.101333 10.119167
    ## Var # 0.07471261 0.02906540 0.00320000 0.03128381 0.05988106

    My Solution: I have individually figured out the values and then copy-pasted the same.

    In addition, I also wanted to understand when and in what situations am I supposed to use the FOR loop.

    Thanks & Regards.
  2. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    I'm assuming you just calculated each of them the long-winded way and got the same answers. In which case you would have got the marks - it just would have taken you a lot longer. Hence, a loop would have saved you time.

    That's the point of loops - to do the same task repeatedly.

    However, the only places where you have to use a loop are clearly indicated in the Core Reading (eg bootstrapping).

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