Sept 2011 Q36 - Balance of Trade

Discussion in 'CT7' started by Ex-muso, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Ex-muso

    Ex-muso Member

    The definition of Balance of Trade from various sources including the textbook and the notes is:

    Goods and services: exports less imports

    In the examiners report for Sept 2011 Q36, the answer appears to included only the goods and not the services. Can anyone explain?

    I'm fully expecting to be shot down in flames and wonder how on earth I could have been so tired and missed something so obvious... :eek:

  2. Margaret Wood

    Margaret Wood Member

    Don't worry - you are correct. The balance of trade is now defined as the balance of goods and services, so the answer should have been a deficit of £100m. (The examiners allowed an answer of -£50m, ie just the balance of goods, because this used to be the definition used.)

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