Sept 06 ASET Q4

Discussion in 'CT5' started by Jooser, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. Jooser

    Jooser Member

    Hi, quick question regarding the model solution given for this question.

    The annuity a(60) payable monthly [i.e. with (12) superscript] is used at the start of the question, but when the values are plugged in from the tables the -11/24 approximation I was expecting for the (12) was not used (although it was in the denominator).

    Can anybody please explain why this is the case?

    Many thanks,

  2. *Ted*

    *Ted* Member

    I think it's just because you've got a subtraction going on (to calculate the reversionary annuity) and the -11/24 approximation from the first term (single life annuity) cancels with the -(-11/24) approximation from the second (joint life annuity).

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