Sentence Length

Discussion in 'CA3' started by Snowy, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Snowy

    Snowy Member

    The Notes said that the maximum should be 20 words long.
    I have seen some sultions from Acted where the length was almost uo to 30 words.
    How strict is this limit because I have seen that there are quite a few marks attributed to this.
  2. fiend

    fiend Member

    A sentence should be as long as it needs to be I guess. If you are writing to someone non-technical then the sentences should be short and sweet.

    I think longer sentences are usually only appropriate for relaying technical content. Otherwise, it should be possible to break it down into shorter sentences.
  3. didster

    didster Member

    The key is that you communicate the message in an appropriate, clear manner to your audience.
    This is all that is required for CA3.
    If you do this and it happens to have a sentence with 30 words then it's fine.

    The guidelines in the notes are just guidelines. They're intended to keep you from making common mistakes which are likely to result in poor communication.

    If you have a 50-word sentence (as an extreme) it is very likely to be an example of bad communication.
    Sometimes a 30-word sentence might work well, most times it might not.

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