See institute solution to ST6—A2007 Q1 (iii) 7(b)

Discussion in 'SP6' started by ruban, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. ruban

    ruban Member

    How does the volatility = sigma when the variance is (sigma)^2.t?

    How is volatility actually defined?

    Is it not the square-root of the variance?
  2. Mike Lewry

    Mike Lewry Member

    ST6 A2007 exam - volatility

    I agree it looks a bit odd.

    Volatility is the coefficient of dW(t) in the relevant SDE and is equivalent to the square-root of the variance.

    The expression you quote for variance is for a general time t, but the volatility is the annnual volatility, ie for t=1.

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