securitization of exams!

Discussion in 'CT5' started by withoutapaddle, Feb 22, 2006.


Is this a great idea or what

  1. hell yea

    7 vote(s)
  2. ..what

    6 vote(s)
  1. :rolleyes: securitization seems a popular theme at the moment, and actuaries are supposed to smooth events right. well i think securitization of exam time is the next step!

    subjects like CT2, which includes multichoice to make it even faster to complete, take on average 1.5hrs to 2hrs max
    subjects like CT5 take on average 4 to 5hrs to complete (** see my other thread in CT5)

    there is obviously a market discrepancy here, which would be solved with securitaztion. Hell, i'd be willing to sell my CT2 time, its like sand on a beach and im sure other studends would pay top dollar (or pounds as the case may be) to get time for some of the other exams.

    this is just the first step, what about all those students who get marks well above the pass mark (although im still not sure exactly what this is), what do they do with those marks.. wasted they are... i would have payed top dollar for a couple of marks in last CT4 exams!

    it is only through the capital markets that we will find salvation!
    let securitze these exams!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2006
  2. 5 votes & 101 views, you all suck!


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