Search for good actuarial recruitment agencies

Discussion in 'Careers' started by Catrina, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Catrina

    Catrina Member


    I'm in the process of changing jobs and my current employer is looking for a good actuarial recruitment agency to assist them in finding someone to replace me with. Do people have any strong opinions on which actuarial recruitment agencies to use / avoid in the General Insurance / Reinsurance industry in London & the South East?

    Any opinions are much appreciated.
  2. Having used quite a few my personal recommendation would be the Actuarial Recruitment Company ( They weren't pushy, clearly knew the market and gave good (relatively) impartial advice.
  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    If your soon to be ex employer has asked you to do this and use this forum, I'm not very impressed. They should be doing their own groundwork. What is good service to an employer compared to an employee differs greatly... not least in fees!!!!
  4. Bystander, I think that's a bit harsh.

    Catrina's post does not indicate her employer asked her to do this, and perhaps she's just being nice?

    I'm not in General; but when I was looking the ARC also felt good to me (even though they didn't place me). It seems that good recruiters also tend to leave their companies fairly regularly though; so you'll want up to date news on that from someone who knows.

    I was placed by GAAPS, for what it's worth. Reed also gave a fairly good 'feel' but I think the person I dealt with has left.
  5. I think ARC are in fact only about three people who all own the company - so unlikely to be much movement.

    High Finance / Oliver James / Emerald are all fairly active in GI - haven't had much experience with any of them though.
  6. Catrina

    Catrina Member

    Thanks OneTwoThreeFour and YetAnotherStudent for your recommendations. I wasn't specifically asked by my employer to use the forum, only if I happened to know of anyone at a similar level to myself looking for employment or if I knew which actuarial recruitment agencies have a good reputation. As I couldn't help them with either I thought I'd post this post. So thanks again, i realise value of the service is very agent specific but past experience provides at least some guidance.

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