SA2 A2010 Q2 (ii) - Tax Calculation

Discussion in 'SA2' started by calibre2001, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. calibre2001

    calibre2001 Member

    In the examiner’s comment it was mentioned that:

    My question is whether candidates lose marks for not grossing up the LATP (previously NCI) with the OLTB (previously GRB) profits in their workings yet get the correct final taxable figures?

    Thanks all.
  2. Mike Lewry

    Mike Lewry Member

    The rules have changed recently, so that OLTB profits don't need to be added to the BLAGAB I-E result before comparing with the LATP, so the issue will no longer arise.

    Previously though, the LATP covered both BLAGAB and GRB and so GRB profits would have been added to the I-E result before comparison. If this hadn't been done, then yes, marks would have been lost (assuming the question asked for an explanation of your calculation) even though if wouldn't have affected the final answer.

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