SA Sitters in April

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by LouiseF, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. LouiseF

    LouiseF Member

    Hi Everyone,

    Am feeling a little frustrated and thought I'd vent it here!

    How many are you are sitting your final exam in April? I am. I'll be doing SA3. I can't wait to be finished. It seems as if I've been doing this forever. I'll be 28 in a couple of weeks and everytime I look back over my twenties all I see are exams. Does anyone else feel this way? With the end so close (of exams - not my 20s!) I am hoping it will all be worth it. Of course this really all depends on the results I'm getting in December.

    Assuming I do finish in April it will have taken me almost 5 years to complete the exams. I didn't start straight out of college, and I had two exemptions from my (non-actuarial science!!!! ;) ) degree. How are you doing?


    PS any ideas what you'll do with you life once your NOT studying every hour that God sends???
  2. Fiasco

    Fiasco Member

    There are always better things to do than studying for the exams! You will wonder how did you ever find time to study after you have qualified.
  3. Rose

    Rose Member

    I feel your pain! I am actually writing both ST & SA in April but feel that I haven't quite recovered from the September sitting yet.

    I was supposed to start studying at the beginning of October. The first day was admirable but I haven't made any progress since. Nobody else at the company that I work for seems to have started studying yet and so I am finding it hard to stay motivated.

    I believe that it will all be worth it once it is over. Right now I just keep telling myself to be strong for another six months and then I will be FREE!
  4. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    it's a bit like a prison sentence!
  5. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    This whole thread is thoroughly depressing. :(

    I wish I'd never read it now. :(

    I'm doing an ST & SA - this was my choice. Now I'm sad about all the study I'm going have to do, and I have no one to blame but me. :(

  6. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    im doing SA3 + CA1, which is basically social suicide :-(

    still there is light at the end of the tunnel now, so can't grumble too much.
  7. Rose

    Rose Member

    I will stop grumbling immediately.
  8. Cymro Card

    Cymro Card Member

    Fraid not - that's just another lost student coming t'other way! :(
  9. Fancyme

    Fancyme Member

    Hello guys

    How did you all do it? I mean I will be starting my first exams in April. I also had a non actuarial degree and was given one exemption because one subject applied.

    I am also on a 5 year plan maximum, that's if all things go according to plan.

    Did you guys follow the recommended study plan that Acted has or you just dedicated students?

    I envy you guys at the same time I am happy for you. Do not worry about what you will do when you finish. The fact is you will be (hopefully) finished and you'll be regarded as a person who can take any job. Isn't that lovely!! Good things are coming after you've finished!!

    God bless all of you!!
  10. LouiseF

    LouiseF Member

    Hi Fancyme

    It's lovely to hear that someone is envious of you! You've made my afternoon.

    Honestly, I just worked really hard. When I started studying in Oct 2002 I set out a timetable for myself and concentrated on Apr 2007 being my last exam set. Most people were asking me how many years study it would take and I thought it sounded awful saying "it depends" all the time, so I pretended it was a more formal course, like accountancy or a masters, and gave it a fixed time frame. I did build in time for a few repeats though (which I had to do!). But basically I'm on target to finish when I meant to.

    I did 7 100's (old CT's) in my first four sittings (two repeats!) then
    CA1 in April 05,
    CA1 and CA3 in Sep 05,
    ST1 and ST3 in Apr 06 and
    CA1 and ST1 in Sep 06.

    I think the secret is to study something in every session. Even if it is a repeat. It's hard work and you get very little time off study. Over the years I've found my self taking my study holiday from April to June or July.

    I think it's really realistic to set yourself a 5 year goal for finishing. With no end date in sight you may find you've nothing to concentrate on. So good luck, 2011 is not really that far away!

  11. I agree! I'm doing an ST & SA3 next sitting and thought that was a tall order but I take my hat off to your efforts!

    The Institute suggests doing 200hrs study per ST, 300 per SA (or 320 if you're doing it with a Practice module), and 400 for CA1. Approx 700hrs study by next April is a lot of work...but not impossible I guess.
  12. Fancyme

    Fancyme Member

    Hello LouiseF

    Thanks!! Eish really Dedication and Determination there! ...I know 2011 is around the corner!! (don't laugh :) )
  13. Rose

    Rose Member

    Where do you find the energy? This thread has turned out to be a real eye-opener for me. I actually thought that I that I have been working pretty hard over the years but boy was I wrong!

    Thanks LouiseF - I will now stop complaining and start studying!
  14. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    I just made it up as I went along - no point planning for me.
  15. LouiseF

    LouiseF Member

    In fairness Rose, the CA1 was my third attempt in Sept and ST1 was my second attempt. So it's not as if I'd started them all from scratch

  16. Adit3

    Adit3 Member

    Sa6 in April 07

    Hi all,

    I had no exemptions and did a non-actuarial degree, and was aiming to qualify in April 06. But FA'd it twice! I still have the UKP to do. Plus am feeling nervous that I think I am on my last one, but with the syllabus change I still get worried.

    I've got 301, CA12, 305 and 304 - I think they map to CA1, ST5 and ST4. But please shout if got this wrong!

    I am going to be 28 this year, and have an evergrowing list of things I want to do before I'm 30.

    Caving and white water-rafting being near the top!

    Keep crunching those questions everyone!
  17. bystander

    bystander Member

    Not sure you're seeking advice but here's some anyhow....

    Make sure you are looking at uptodate material. At your stage money shouldn';t be an issue - you can recoup the cost of buying support over your years to returement!

    2FA's means I'd consider exam counselling. There just might be some hidden clue to what cost you the marks to pass if you see your actual script

    You aren't alone in your plight! Some face that hurdle more than 3 times. But when you enter the exam, don't put added pressure on yourself thinking 'this could be it'. Treat at as if there is still more ahead and the nerves will hopefully subside.

    As for PM you don't need it to be FIA (just to get a practising cert) so if you are not yet in that position don't fret over that one. Concentrate on the SA.

    Hope you get the dream. It really is all the more sweet having been through the FAs!
  18. Adit3

    Adit3 Member

    another idea

    thanks for your words of support Bystander.

    Have taken a new CMP out hoping that a fresh look would rejuvenate my interest in SA6. Also hopeful for new questions in the Q&A and assignment X, but can see that that hasn't changed.

    Am considering getting ST5 CMP out as well, maybe my 305 notes isn't complete enough. And maybe ST6 as well? I haven't done that paper. Any thoughts from the floor?
  19. happychap

    happychap Member

    Try five times!! That's how many times I had to do 301 before I passed it. And yes, they were all FA's!!

    SA4 is my final exam this time. Fingers crossed

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