SA equiv

Discussion in 'SP9' started by Elroy, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Elroy

    Elroy Member

    Are there any plans to start an SA exam equivalent to ST9?

    Is there any reason why the institute can not/would not make ST9 exam count as an SA for for those with two other STs?
  2. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    A good question for you to put to the Profession!

    For more info on the Profession's thinking on ST9 see here
  3. Elroy

    Elroy Member

    Thanks for replying. I will email the profession and my student rep.

    Most people in life/pensions/investment will be 'encouraged' by their employer to do an ST in their home (e.g ST4/ST2/ST5) subject. After all, you will be familiar with the vast majority of the material before you start studying and will just have to learn the lists! This makes it an easy option, but a very unsatisfying learning process, as you don't really learn anything apart from how to memorize some bullet points and pass an exam.

    You will then only have one free choice ST.

    This makes it hard to do both ST6 and ST9, which, as the profession says, should be a good combination.

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