Risk based questions

Discussion in 'SP2' started by jane_smith, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. jane_smith

    jane_smith Member


    On risk based questions, how do i know whether the question wants:
    • Risk A Life Drown Cats - with one little APPROPRIATE point for each risk
    • A more full explanation around the main risks i.e Expenses, Investment, Mortality and Lapses.
    I seem to fall foul of this on most risk based questions and so am assuming there is a clue in the question. Is it that we should use the first method unless the question states "key risks"?

  2. Darrell Chainey

    Darrell Chainey ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    It's not really a choice of method; more about how much breadth or depth to give. Yes sometimes a word like "key" or "main" will help, but also be guided by the number of marks on offer. if you start with the more important and specific risks for the scenario in front of you then hopefully you will have covered the things they want when your time is up. Any risk acronym you use is there to remind you of risks that don't spring to mind after you've had a good first attempt. Use it to fill any gaps, not to structure your initial answer. And be careful thinking one appropriate point for each. Depending on the scenario, there might be 5 things to say about some risks and only one about others.
    Keep practising, it gets easier. Good luck

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