
Discussion in 'CA3' started by FatSam, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. FatSam

    FatSam Member

    I think this is the most pointless exam that I have ever done.
    Do I say that just because I am bitter at having failed it 4 times??!? Of course not! Although my failures do fuel my complete resentment.
    I have been to tutorials, I have done assignments (and had them marked) and still I don't manage to crack this sucker.
    I am just hoping that someone at the IOA will take pity on me and let me pass.
    Anyone sat it more than 4 times? Anyone know the secret password for me to jot down on my answer paper?
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Yep, I know someone who did it 6 times, but thankfully I got it at the 2nd swipe.

    I'd bite the bullet and get exam counselling on it. Used it on another subject that 'wasn't going too well' {a polite way of putting it}. It did highlight my missing trick and cracked it at the next go.

    Either that or give it a rest for a while and hope inspiration strikes when you come back to it afresh. Unfortunately, I don't foresee a U-turn that would mean you don't have to sit (and pass) it.

    Better luck next time!
  3. Erik

    Erik Member

    I know someone who passed the 12th time. He passed his fellowship exam and two sittings later he only qualified after passing 201. Best of all is that he is no bad communicator. He is a consultant and a group leader for a large group of actuaries. Just goes to say. CA3 is the only subject they can fail you on even if you know you wrote well, and so keep qualifieds' numbers down.

    Just hope I'm lucky when I come to this baby.

  4. Fiasco

    Fiasco Member

    That maybe so, but the important thing to remember here is that there are things that you can learn from studying the course.

    When I was studying for this subject, I can see that the model solutions always seem to contain a large number of points but somehow still remain close to the word count. It was also interesting to think about why the model solutions excluded some of the points that I thought about.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2006

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