Real yields given constant inflation assumptions

Discussion in 'CT1' started by Jammy, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Jammy

    Jammy Member

    Q 12.17 (chap 12) on page 31 has been solved by finding PV of annuity and accumulating @ 8% for 15 yes

    If I want to arrive at the answer directly by accumulating the annuity, how do I do so? Which rates do I use?
  2. prashanth

    prashanth Member

    By using exact formula it can be solved as follows:

    = \( 1500(1.08)^{15} + 1500(1.06)(1.08)^{14} + \dots + 1500(1.06)^{14}(1.08)\)

    we need to make this equation look like this..

    = \( (1+i)^{15}+ (1+i)^{14} + \dots + (1+i)\)

    i.e. divide numerator and denominator of above equation by (1.06)^15

    =1500*\({1.06}^{15}\){ \( (1.08/1.06)^{15} + (1.08/1.06)^{14} + \dots + (1.08/1.06)\)}

    = 1500 x \({1.06}^{15}\) \(\require{enclose}\ddot {s}_{\enclose{actuarial}{15}}\) @1.88679 {i.e. 1.08/1.06 =1.0188679}

    = 1500 x \({1.06}^{15}\) x \(\frac{({1+0.0188679})^{15} -1 }{0.0188679/1.0188679} \)
    = 62,824.47 pounds.
  3. Jammy

    Jammy Member

    Thanks prashanth :D

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