
Discussion in 'SP1' started by Emma Spencer, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Emma Spencer

    Emma Spencer Member

    A general question:

    In distribution channel related questions, is it still ok to refer to commission?
    Should we make a point about adviser charges?
    And when comparing the risks and rewards for each distribution channel should we make this clear in our arguments for and against IFAs?


  2. Sarah Byrne

    Sarah Byrne ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    Hi Emma

    Protection products are currently out of scope for the Retail Distribution Review. The changes are only going to impact investment products. So, it's fine to mention commission in your answers in ST1 :)

    Remember as well that ST1 is non-UK specific and even if a change was made in the UK, other markets would not be impacted.

    You might want to mention the risk of more stringent disclosure requirements being an added risk for the broker channel compared to others.


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