R coding

Discussion in 'CS2' started by Kanishka, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. Kanishka

    Kanishka Active Member

    I have tried the questions related to chapter 2 in the R material but I'm finding it really difficult to do the coding and following the solutions. Is there any way I can learn R programming for the exams easily.
  2. KaustavSen

    KaustavSen Member

    I have found Hands on Programming with R and R for Data Science really useful in getting to grips with R. Luckily both these books are freely available online as well:

    Hands on Programming with R: https://rstudio-education.github.io/hopr/
    R for Data Science: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/

    I have found the writing style of both these books easy to follow and understand. However, these books are aimed at getting you up to speed with using R but you'll need to master the underlying statistical theory as well.

    Generally speaking the R community is also very open and welcoming. The #rstats twitter handle is quite active and the r4ds slack community always welcome fellow learners and answer any questions!
  3. Arfan Rahman

    Arfan Rahman Member

    Kanishka i was in the same boat- you must code regularly in order to get some understanding of the R syntax. Hands on Programming with R: https://rstudio-education.github.io/hopr/ is a very good start
  4. Kanishka

    Kanishka Active Member

    Thank you Kaustav and Arfan. I will try out the book.

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