Question bank 4 - Qn. no 4.21

Discussion in 'CT3' started by sujak, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. sujak

    sujak Member

    We had seen that if there are r rows and c columns, then the degrres of freedom would be (r-1)*(c-1). As per this, in Question 4.21 (b), the degrees of frredom would be 2. In the solution, it is given as 4 i.e., number of cells - number of estimated parameters - 1. Are these two different methods of testing the hypothesis? Please let me know if my understanding is wrong.
  2. Hemant Rupani

    Hemant Rupani Senior Member

    Yes! They are different.
    In part (i) there we test independence between flower color and leaf type.. Hence used contingency table....
    In part (ii) there we test goodness-of-fit for given model, so that degrees of freedom.

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