Question 8.23 Question bank 8

Discussion in 'CA1' started by ST6_aspirant, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. ST6_aspirant

    ST6_aspirant Member


    The question is list the sources of surplus or deficit of a final pension salary scheme.

    Now, one of the points is pension increases.

    I did not quite understand this. How will pension increase impact a final salary pension scheme. Is it supposed to impact it? How? And how are the two pensions related?
  2. Bidza

    Bidza Member

    A final salary scheme can have members who are receiving pensions. The liability for these pensioners depends on the pensions they currently receive and any increases we expect them to receive in the future. if the increases they actually receive are lower than the ones allowed for in the valuation assumptions, this will lead to them having a lower liability value(and therefore a release of surplus).
  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    Indeed. Think about non guaranteed rates of interest rather than say known increases of x%. So if increases or lower of inflation and y% then there is an uncertainty element around inflation. Or the granting of discretionary increase.
  4. ST6_aspirant

    ST6_aspirant Member

    Thanks Bidza, I understand now.

    Hi bystander, I didnt quite understand what you said here: "So if increases or lower of inflation and y%"

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