Q&A Bank Q1.25

Discussion in 'CT6' started by gooneraki, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. gooneraki

    gooneraki Member

    In part (ii)(a),
    exp(-ΘM^1/3) / (1 - exp(-ΘM^1/3)) becomes
    1 / (exp(ΘM^1/3) -1)

    I am not able to do this mathematically :(
  2. Satya

    Satya Member

    It's been a long time since I did CT6 but I think you just have to divide the numerator and denominator by exp(-ΘM^1/3).

    This is allowed because you are essentially then multiplying by exp(-ΘM^1/3) /exp(-ΘM^1/3) i.e. multiplying by 1.
    John Lee likes this.
  3. gooneraki

    gooneraki Member

    My god this is embarrassing.
    I really forgot my maths.
    Thanks, will delete this post..

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