Q&A Bank q 1.29 - rearranging?

Discussion in 'CT7' started by 12345, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. 12345

    12345 Member

    Hello all,

    Could anyone provide a stepped solution as to how this is rearranged from this:

    1/w = p(1/w1) + (1-p)(1/w2)


    w1w2 = w[p(w2)+(1-p)(w1)]

    and then to

    w = (w1w2)/(p(w2)+(1-p)(w1))

    Any takers?
  2. 1/w = p(1/w1) + (1-p)(1/w2)

    Multiply both sides by w1w2:

    w1w2/w = p(w1w2/w1) + (1-p)(w1w2/w2)
    w1w2/w = p(w2)+(1-p)(w1)

    Multiply both side by w:

    w1w2 = w[p(w2)+(1-p)(w1)]

    Divide both sides by [p(w2)+(1-p)(w1)]:

    w = (w1w2)/[p(w2)+(1-p)(w1)]
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2007
  3. 12345

    12345 Member

    Fantastic, much obliged.

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