Profit calculation for accounts

Discussion in 'ST3' started by Leala, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. Leala

    Leala Member

    Subject G - april 1998 - Paper 1 - Q21

    How is the profit figure arrived at here - i can see the formula but I cant get the answers.

    Part two, c

    how is the Return on capital found?

  2. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    ER says:
    Return on Capital Employed = Profit / Free Reserves
    Profit = Earned Premium − Incurred Claims − Increase in
    APUR − Expenses + Investment income
    A = −26/16 = −162.5%, B = 425/840 = 50.6%,
    C = 50/160 = 31.3%

    so for example A:

    -26 = 60*.9 -60-20-5+5

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