Problems with Foundation Actuarial Maths stuff

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by madge, May 2, 2006.

  1. madge

    madge Member

    I've got pretty much half way through the foundation maths stuff..which I thought would be prudent to do before resitting CT3 and before taking on CT1 hopefully...

    I'm having a few problems with simplifying equations after I've been differentiating such as the equations below....

    y'=(X+1)^1/2 - 1/2 X (X+1)^ -1/2

    Am just hoping someone might be able to point me in the direction of suitable books where I can improve / practice my simplifying of the sort of level that will be required of an actuarial student...

    Thanks very much
  2. madge

    madge Member

    sorry...the equation was actually supposed to look like this:

    (X+1)^1/2 - 1/2 X (X+1) ^ -1/2
  3. p51ngh

    p51ngh Member

    The answer is

    [(x+1)^-0.5] - [0.5x(x+1)^-1.5]​

    A good book I would recommend is Engineering Mathematics by K A Stroud. It is the best maths book I have ever seen and I have seen many.
    As for learning how to simplify, you must master the algebraic rules and practice until your brain hurts.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2006
  4. Rosencruz

    Rosencruz Member

    I would personally recommend "Advanced Engineering Maths" by Kreizig. Didn't think much of Stroud.
    All the best books on this type of maths are for engineers, we need the practise, because thats what engineering is about (basic algebra), and most engineers are a little slow :)
    That why I'm struggling with CT8...

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