PPD submission review

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by TurnipKing, Nov 8, 2020.

  1. TurnipKing

    TurnipKing Keen member

    Hi all,

    I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some clarity on how worried I should be.

    I have been completing my ppd doing the required number of credits and formal learning hours each year. I am now preparing to submit my ppd by month end to qualify however I am looking at my past years entries and a bit concerned by the lack of detail I've gone into for my formal learning hours for my first two years. I'm unable to modify these entries too and I'm just wondering how strict they are with these entries? I went into detail for all the other entries but at the time thought the formal learning hours only required a brief synopsis of what the formal learning activity was.

    I'll be submitting the minimum required credits and formal learning hours, would I be better off putting in a buffer of more formal learning hours? I'm unsure it would make any difference if they decide my first two years aren't of sufficient quality.

    Just wondering what people's experiences have been?
  2. Satk

    Satk Active Member

    Don't worry, now onwards give maximum details of the activity and learning outcomes. Use the sample for activities and learning outcomes from PPD section on IFoA website as they provide excellent guidance on how to write PPD.
    For the previous year PPD, if they are not of sufficient quality IFoA ask to re-submit them during quality check.
  3. Terran85

    Terran85 Active Member

    Make sure your PPDs contains all the one from the list below. (Ths is on the final sign off form)

    1.1 Present the results of actuarial work to informed but non-technical audiences
    Problem Solving and Decision Making
    2.1 Analyse and prioritise stakeholder needs when designing solutions
    3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of professional and ethical standards in an actuary’s work
    3.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of peer review in professional work

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