Planning/writing strategy

Discussion in 'SA2' started by kvitko87, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. kvitko87

    kvitko87 Member

    I had several attempts at SA2 in the past and got really close in April. I am looking into the way I write the answers and also my planning of the content.
    Could someone share their experience regarding planning the answers?
    Do you read the full paper and then write down bullet points as prep for all questions and then start to write full answers? Do you do that prep on a scrap paper or direction the exam sheet?

    Ideally i want to capture my first thoughts and observations, gather enough width and depth to my answer before writing the full thing down. With that approach i am risking running out of time though.. however if I don't prep it all on a scrap paper, i am worried my answer won't contain all important content or will be hard to read/messy/not structured well..

    Hope you see what I mean.

    I wonder what works for other people? Plan all and then write? Or plan parts and write? Or...?


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