PCA geometric meaning

Discussion in 'CS1' started by ykai, Feb 21, 2023.

  1. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

    I found a lot of information on the Internet but still can't fully understand the geometric meaning of each step of PCA.
    I probably know the application of PCA but I don't know enough about the meaning of this step, but I hope to fully understand the logic and meaning of each step of PCA from beginning to end.

    Suppose the centered matrix is a 2*2 matrix X
    1.Get the centered matrix=>move the coordinate origin (0.0) to the center of the data group

    2. Multiply the transposed matrix of the centered matrix with the centered matrix =>?
    I know that the meaning of matrix multiplication is the area between two vectors, but I don't quite understand the meaning of this step. I know diagonal are variance.

    3. Take eigenvalues&eigenvectors for the product of centered matrix & its transposed matrix =>?
    I only know eigenvalue represent scale & direction of eigenvectors and eigenvector are (x,y).

    4. Arrange the unit eigenvectors from left to right according to the value of eigenvalues to get a new matrix W

    5.PCA=XW=>Convert the data of X to a new span?Maybe?

    6. PCA^T * PCA=>?
    I remember that PCA seems to have a sentence of maximizing variance, but I can't understand how it is applied to it.

    I need an explanation of the geometric meaning of step 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
    Thank you very much!
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
  2. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

  3. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

  4. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

    I have find out the answers.
    Thank you!
  5. John Lee

    John Lee ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    I'm so pleased - could you share the source to benefit other students?
    Many thanks
    ykai likes this.
  6. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

    This information is what I spent a lot of time gathering and guessing.I am really not sure about correctness.
    I have no relevant academic background, so I can only guess.
    Please let me know if I am wrong, I also really want to confirm that the information I collected is correct.
    I'd appreciate it if you could add more that I don't know about and where it's incomplete.

    1.Get the centered matrix=>move the coordinate origin (0.0) to the center of the data group

    2. Multiply the transposed matrix of the centered matrix with the centered matrix =>
    CMP said component in matrix are variance and covariance.
    X^T*X=real symmetric matrix
    A real symmetric matrix must be obtained = the eigenvectors corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal to each other.
    They are vertical to each other.
    I guess it could said that eigenvectors are uncorrelated, because cov of orthogonal matrix make component of them be 0,cov=0.
    It seems correspond to "PCA identifies a set of uncorrelated linear combinations of the original data", which come from CMP.
    linear combinations is eigenvectors ,is a span or coordinate plane.

    Determinant=0=>Dimensionality reduction.
    I guess it is because PCA doubt that there are too many redundant vectors, so it is necessary to reduce the dimension and take the feature vector.
    There is redundant vectors if the eigenvector is 0,so it seems to not correct.

    3. Take eigenvalues&eigenvectors for the product of centered matrix & its transposed matrix =>
    Get eigenvectors with different explanatory power(eigenvalues).
    explanatory power=explained more proportion of variance

    Find the PC perpendicular to each point in order to get more explanatory power with a small number of PCs.
    PC which we wanted is black line.

    I also read wikipedia for eigenvector and eigenvalue.
    I seems to know something about it, but not sure.

    4. Arrange the unit eigenvectors from left to right according to the value of eigenvalues to get a new matrix W=>
    PCA like more explanatory power.
    It come from CMP.

    5.PCA=XW=>Convert the data of X to a new span(PC1 or PC2 or PCn)

    6. PCA^T * PCA=>Looking proportion explained by PCA for each PCn.Diagonal element
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023
  7. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

    I can't find a perfect explanation for Determinant=0,because maybe there are no 0 eigenvalue.
    I can't be 100% sure that there is linear dependence that allows us to use Determinant=0.
    I don't have enough time to delve into this right now.
  8. ykai

    ykai Ton up Member

    Sorry for the many grammatical errors in English. I just found out now.

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