
Discussion in 'CT7' started by almaas0123, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. almaas0123

    almaas0123 Member

    What is my probablity of passing the Exam this May, if I have completed only the first 13 Chapters (CT - 7).
    Reply ASAP.

    -Almaas. :)
  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Best advice to this is stop posting and crack on. In any exam your chances of passing diminish if you haven't completed the course. Qns can come from anywhere so no matter how well you know bits the rest can trip you up. If you are on the FA pile and miss abig qn that puts doubts in examiners minds on 'fitness to proceed'. That said, some get away with it but you still have time so my advice again is CRACK ON
  3. jollyfakey

    jollyfakey Member

    Your probability of passing is such that the zeros after the decimal are so much that when the non-zero numbers begin to appear, they start to bear resemblance to

    Anyways, try finish the notes and go over past questions.
  4. Graham Aylott

    Graham Aylott Member

    Your chance of passing is considerably less than if you've read the entire course, particularly as the macroeconomic material in Chapters 14-20 typically constitutes about half of the marks on the exam paper. So realistically, you shouldn't be able to pass - unless you already have some knowledge and understanding of macroeconomics and get lucky.

    The simplest thing to do is just to read the rest of the course, learn the key points in the Core Reading and then to practise many, many past paper questions. :)
  5. limamichelle

    limamichelle Active Member

    I'm on the same boat at you- But just to add, i've never finished any of any course notes earlier than 4 weeks before the exam before (sometime 2 weeks before!! eeek....) and then i go crazy doing 3 exam papers a day every day, going through QnA banks, going over my failed X series assignments etc

    And i've passed all 3 exams i've taken in the last two sittings.

    But i don't recommend it- i post this as a way to give you hope. (i've also just finished the first 3 sections of CT7, started the fourth today ;))

    So far your prepared to read and do exam papers like crazy, prepared for no showers and dreams of Actuarial subjects and promises to yourself "TO NEVER DO THIS AGAIN" while pulling your hair out - you can make it! lol

    Im up for CT6 and 7 this April. I hope to finish by exactly 4 weeks before.

    Next time... i'll read early... lol.

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