Pass Rate

Discussion in 'SP1' started by LouiseF, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. LouiseF

    LouiseF Member

    Ok, I now this might sound trite given that I actually passed Health this time (second time's a charm and all that), but did anyone notice how the pass rate was 60%????

    That's almost as high as CT7 (or whatever economics is now). Way too high for an ST surely?

    Is it just that the only people taking this subject work in Health, and therefore have an advantage? Or should we be suggesting that everyone does it cos you've twice as much chance of passing this as any other exam?

    I work in GI, so Health is my second ST. So really I should be at a disadvantage to Health students. Though maybe that explains my two tries...

    What are the rest of you doing and what do you think has made the pass rate so high?

  2. Sauny Bean

    Sauny Bean Member

    I've spotted this trend before and was very tempted to do it in part because of this.

    Reckon it could be because there trying to swell the ranks of the health actuaries and restrict the supply of the other disciplines.

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