Pass marks

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by yeah_baby, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. yeah_baby

    yeah_baby Member


    I'm about to sit my first two exams (CT1 and 3) and was just wondering whether anyone knew a rough guideline as far as pass marks go for the CT series in general?

    I'm pretty sure that sort of information isn't officially revealed but I'm only after a very rough indication from people's experience. Would 50% be enough? 60? 70? Any sort of idea would be useful... like if people have come out of an exam having only done half of it and still passed! I didn't do any of the assignments (left it a bit late!) so never had the chance to get those marked - maybe rough pass marks for those would shed some light?

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. examstudent

    examstudent Member


    - after 2 300 series exams, i thought i answered 55- 60 % of paper correctly after leaving exam hall. i passed both of these.
    -in another 300 exam, i reckoned i answered only 45% of paper correctly after leaving exam hall, and was expecting FA, but was very surpirsed to pass.

    normally when i know i bodged an entire question i failed! though some people tell me theyve passed even leaving an question blank or bodging most of it up...
  3. Muppet

    Muppet Member

    But for (easier) CT1 and CT3 you'll probably need 60-65%.
  4. Pede

    Pede Member

    someone once told me they reckoned it was about 60% for CTs, 50% for STs, 40% for SAs, but very volatile between subjects and between sittings, depending on the difficulty of the paper.
  5. yeah_baby

    yeah_baby Member

    Thanks for the input... that gives me some idea of the level I need to aim for.

    Still, 65% sounds quite a tall order at the moment - time to get tactical with my revision I guess!
  6. This article on the Institute website has a section titled 'Pass Rates and Marks' once you scroll down a bit. The article is about the pre-2005 education strategy but basically seems to say that the pass marks for the 100's were in the 55%-65% range and around 50% for the later subjects....

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