Pass Marks for CT2

Discussion in 'CT2' started by Shah Kamal, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Shah Kamal

    Shah Kamal Member


    Could anyone pls tell me what is the pass mark for CT2 course? Additionally, is there any grading system for CT series?

    Thank you.

  2. Zebedee

    Zebedee Member

    The pass marks for the CT series vary by session. Your performance will be compared with the other candidates who sat the exam - the better candidates will pass. It is thought that typically a mark of 60% or more will earn you a pass.

    Candidates are graded as below:

    P - Pass
    FA - Failed by 0-5%
    FB - Failed by 5-10%
    FC - Failed by 10-20%
    FD - Failed by more than 20%

    Candidates getting an FD or repeated FC are advised to think about their options!
  3. Shah Kamal

    Shah Kamal Member

    Is it advisable to take two CT courses in April session for a full-time employee? Thanks
  4. Zebedee

    Zebedee Member

    Depends how much study support you get from you employer. Two or three exams in an April session is reasonable if you get decent study support and you start early enough (say Nov/Dec).

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