pass mark

Discussion in 'SP5' started by barney, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. barney

    barney Member

    Any thoughts on what the pass mark likely to be for last week's paper?
  2. VikingAlv

    VikingAlv Member

    High - much higher than last time! how can the examiners think it right for one paper to contain 50% calculations and then the next one 5% - where's the consistency??

    Take it everyone spotted the duplicate question - 7.ii(b) and 7.iii(a) - doesn't look like the guinea pigs did a good job!
  3. barney

    barney Member

    last time it was prob what? 50%? do you think it could be as high as 60%? surely they will have to given everyone the 5% for that error on the paper??
  4. andrew218

    andrew218 Member

    question 7

    did anyone ask about question 7? did anyone get a reply?

    Is it definitely an error rather than something we overlooked?
  5. barney

    barney Member

    Haven't asked about it but am sure it was an error. I wonder how the examiners will deal with it though;)
  6. Genesiss

    Genesiss Member

    7.ii(b) and 7.iii(a)
    I thought it was a duplicate question but look at iii(b) which is asking for comments for the differences between the results of 7.ii(b) and 7.iii(a).
    And they are worth a huge 5 marks.
    Maybe we all overlooked something???
    probably they meant the total tax in 7.iii(a)??

    Maybe the Acted tutors can shed some light
  7. andrew218

    andrew218 Member

    I've just spoke to my tutor about it - here is what they said:

    "The tax question was unfortunate - I think I know what the examiners were after, but obviously the question was poorly expressed! It's a shame as otherwise the question should have been well answered by most students.

    When this sort of thing happens the examiners will be very aware of it and will make allowances in the marking if they think it put students at a disadvantage. We'll have to wait and see what they say in the Examiner's Report..."
  8. andrew218

    andrew218 Member

    What I did and what I hope was right was
    ii b) Total tax paid by company (company + S/H)
    iii a) Company tax paid (company + imputed)

    we'll have to wait and see - 2 months today :(
  9. barney

    barney Member

    We can't be expected to guess what the examiners meant??!! The questions were identical except for the words "calculate" and "express"!!
  10. andrew218

    andrew218 Member

    Good luck to all tonight

    Hopefully will be a high pass rate :)
  11. VikingAlv

    VikingAlv Member

    45% - Shocking!!

    Well another fail and another dollar for the institute to rob me of as i go for yet another re-sit!! cant wait to see the excuse for the duplicate question, waiting to see grade but woudl love a one on one with the guy who wrote the paper!
  12. andrew218

    andrew218 Member

    No examiner's report until the new year...

    More waiting for an explanation...
  13. Simon James

    Simon James ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    The Examiners' report is now available here
  14. andrew218

    andrew218 Member

    Examiner's thoughts on question 7

    Guess it was the only thing they could do...
  15. VikingAlv

    VikingAlv Member

    NO! what they could have done is properly trialed the paper - I cannot believe that the paper got through the 'protocols' with no one picking this up? The fact that so many people believed it to be wrong cannot be ignored - is the examiner going to continue to write papers, are the procedures going to remain the same? Time and again we see this with the papers, incorrect questions, misinterpretations, confusing material and it never seems to change. And who is it that pays the price - us students who have to pay for resits, spend another 6 months studying and potentially holding up our career path. I know this is a bit of a rant but it really annoys me how the Institute are completely faceless and no-one appears to have to answer to these mistakes. I tried to contact them and all i got was with the examination 'team' saying my comments will be passed onto the chair of the board of examiners. I very much doubt anything will change as they never check their questions in the papers written so what are the odds of them knowing how to check their email.......
  16. mattt78

    mattt78 Member

    exam testing procedures

    I was in a tutorial the other day when a tutor commented that as many as half of exam papers contain some question which is either incorrect, incomplete, or physically impossible to answer (due to the lengthy calculation required) within the time allocated to the question.

    Apparently the exam papers are all tested by ginui pigs, but their process is rather flawed - the gunui pigs sit the paper under exam conditions, and when the gunui pigs get to a question they can't do, they do what most candidates would do - they skip it, and get on with the rest -this is why so many mistakes are not picked up! Presumably as long as the gunui pigs (how many there are per exam I don't know, but only a few I think) get sensible marks, and don't report anything as incorrect, the paper passes the testing process, and is assumed fit for use in the actual exams.
  17. Pede

    Pede Member

    The odd question now and again, maybe, but certainly not half of papers! Most oddities seem to make it to these forums, and to be fair there's not that many...

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