Paper B exam answers

Discussion in 'CS2' started by Sunit_K, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. Sunit_K

    Sunit_K Member

    If you see in the Y assignments provided for paper B, there are certain questions where we are expected to write answers like we would in the written exam, e.g. QY1.3 part(ii) where we are asked for the log-likelihood of the Cox model.

    How does one write these equations in MS Word? Do we have to show the working (like we would in a written paper)?
    Even the markov transition matrices, how do you type in a matrix in Word?
    Or is there another method to answer such questions?

    Although the comment questions seem straightforward to answer.

    jamesysilber likes this.
  2. jamesysilber

    jamesysilber Keen member

    Hi Sunit,

    The best way to try and do these equations in MS Word would be to use the equation editor, which can be found under Insert-Symbols-Equation and click on Equation. This doesn't have all the notation you need, but it can definitely do transition matrices, so give that a shot and see how it goes.

    Alternatively you can use LaTex such as from here, which summarises a Cox Model into a nice statistical output.

    EDIT: Also have a look here as this has some guides on how to use R for CS2 exams plus practice material. The CS2B exam is in R not MS Word so definitely get comfortable with the stuff here so you can nail the R content in the online exam.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2019

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