Paper 2 Exam Day files

Discussion in 'CP2' started by Benoy Soman, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. Benoy Soman

    Benoy Soman Member

    Hi guys,

    Just a quick q that cropped up in my mind regarding timestamps on our files.

    With the Excel model that we are provided with, I usually would just do a "Save As" on this file and rename it according to the file submission name.
    However if the examiners were to look at when the file was created, they would obviously see that the file was created before exam day.
    I'm assuming that this shouldn't cause any issues, given that we're just building updating the model file that is provided to us?
  2. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    I'm not seeing section for paper 2 in the VLE hope it comes up soon.

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