Paper 1 Audit Trail - General Questions

Discussion in 'CP2' started by scr123, Aug 20, 2022.

  1. scr123

    scr123 Keen member

    The audit trail approach (marks):
    Communication skills (4)
    Student can review and check methods (7)
    Senior Actuary can understand and scrutinise (7)
    Clear English (4)
    Logical Order (3)

    How do you gain the marks for communication skills and how is this different from clear English and logical order?

    If a student can review and check the methods then should this not automatically imply that a senior Actuary can also understand it? How are the marks being differentiated here?

    The audit trail content (marks):
    All steps clearly explained (8)
    All model steps accurately covered (16)

    What is the difference between explaining all steps and all model steps? How are the marks being differentiated here?
  2. Sarah Byrne

    Sarah Byrne ActEd Tutor Staff Member

    You can find a more specific breakdown of the marks in the marking schedule for each paper, you will see exactly what the examiners are looking for under each of these categories and how they differ (for example, there are 3 things worth 1 mark each under logical order). In some places there is some overlap, so it's really important that you document everything in your model to a high standard.

    Have a look through the marking schedule and then feel free to ask any specific questions once you've done that.


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