overlap with ca1

Discussion in 'SP2' started by RaViShankar, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. RaViShankar

    RaViShankar Member

    Did anyone else struggle focusing on this subject after attempting CA1? The work is just the same.
  2. Ivanhoe

    Ivanhoe Member

    Did anyone else struggle focusing on this subject after attempting CA1? The work is just the same.

    Although there is a significant amount of overlap, the kind of questions are quite different in nature and the responses that the examiners expect seemed to me to be more focused. There were some questions in ST2 which I struggled to understand even after reading the solution in the examiner report.

    The safest bet is to treat each paper on its own merit and to not underestimate any. I think it is closer to CT5 than CA1. The advantage of having taken CA 1 recently though, is that you won't have to spend much time on the core reading.


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