Other insurance exams

Discussion in 'Careers' started by gradesina, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. gradesina

    gradesina Member

    Do you think it makes sense to do the LLMIT (Lloyd's Introductory test) or the FIT from the Insurance Institute to enhance your chances of getting the foot into the insurance world? I am a career changer and about to start with CT1 (for September or even April 09 due to other commitments), but will have to look for a new job soon and would like to move to the insurance sector.
    Do you think it would make sense to do one of the above tests in June when I will look for a new job? any thoughts much appreciated!

  2. bystander

    bystander Member

    Not familiar with the non-actuarial exams you cite, but can't do any harm. Having some qualification may differentiate your CV from others which can be a good thing.

    But beware any subscriptions you may also have to take to be able to take exams. You may not be able to afford say Institute subs and subs to another body.

    But think what skills you have in your current work that will transfer well to insurance. That will also boost your CV and in a way, practical skills can be better than bits of paper.

    Happy hunting!
  3. bystander

    bystander Member

    Yes studying something will definitely help. Check if there are any actuarial societies in the area too. Good place to network though you may not understand the talk. Occasionally there are ones aimed at students. MUch cheaper than paying full Institute subs too.

    Changing jobs means you have to get the prospective employer to take you seriously. For interviews think what skills you have acquired that are transferable eg IT knowledge, communication skills. And have a good answer ready for why you want to switch.

    Good luck

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