Online Exams - additonal time for uploading

Discussion in 'CA2' started by Nicholas.Campbell, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. For the online exam, does anyone know if we are allowed additonal time for downloading, printing and uploading of the exam material or do we need to factor that in to the exam time?

  2. Charlotte11

    Charlotte11 Member


    I've just sat the first sitting of the new style. The exam instructions say 9-12.15 (for the morning sittings) and that it is your responsibility to upload your documents in this allotted time. Therefore you will need to download, print and upload within that timeframe.
    However, the online portal gave you until 12.20 to upload your documents, which I expect is for a small contingency if you experience any technical issues, but I wouldn't rely on this.

    Hope that helps.

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