online access

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by jonbon, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. jonbon

    jonbon Member


    Do you think ActEd should provide online access to all study material (CMP only) to all those students who have purchased the hard copy from Acted. I say this because I've got Acted notes from 100 series and the later subjects and they hog so much space. Also, browsing through online copies would be so much easy.

    What is Acted's view on this? Surely ActEd have PDF copies of the notes and should not mind letting students who've paid, access it online.


  2. Pede

    Pede Member

  3. jonbon

    jonbon Member

    Cheers..done thats!
  4. Sauny Bean

    Sauny Bean Member

    The only part I keep after I pass an exam is the Core Reading. Everything else gets recycled - and boy is it a joy to see it go. The amount of space the files would take up is huge, and the probability of ever having to refer to anything specific is very low - infinitesimally small if you take account of the fact that you still have the Core Reading.

    Maybe I'll keep more of the Specialist Applications subject, but that's a couple more sessions off yet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2007
  5. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    I find that I often need to refer to my old notes for work purposes - e.g. methods of generating random numbers from a particular distribution came up the other week at work.

    It would be useful to have it all on a cd as a reference. Can't we sign a legal agreement not to pirate it or something?

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