Oh well, 2nd time will be better I guess

Discussion in 'CT5' started by tatos, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. tatos

    tatos Member

    Man! I feel like I could literally teach a CT5 course now and yet I know I have absolutely no hope of having passed yesterday. Is there anyone else out there who feels like this?
  2. I wasn't feeling overly confident going in, but came out thinking that it'll be a miracle if I pass that one! See you at the resit :eek:
  3. hatton02

    hatton02 Member

    I wasn't confident going in as the notation still baffles me. Sure enough I reckon I've got about 24 marks. Nice.
  4. bystander

    bystander Member

    Put it behind you for now. Many people often come out thinking Yuk! (and many other things less polite!!!!), but some still make it. It all depends on the whole competition and whether if it was a hard paper, whether you have managed to get somewhere on the harder qns.
  5. waddle

    waddle Member

    i hope the pass mark is low

    i think the maximum mark i can get is like 60 from what i wrote.. given that i hope the pass mark is reaally low
  6. Java Jive

    Java Jive Member

    waddle, with 60 you should be pretty secure...
  7. tatos

    tatos Member

    Ok. Woah! Super bizarrely I passed CT5?! So glad but kinda stunned... goes to show, you can leave out 26 marks and rush through what I refer to as the so-called easier marks (first 15 or so) in the last 10 minutes and still actually have some hope... apparently... anyway, case in point for future labourers... cheers all (and cheers CT5)

    Thanks for all the help in this forum!
  8. Edwin

    Edwin Member

    Well done!
  9. bystander

    bystander Member

    So you see...its never over to til the fat lady sings....ie the list is out.

    Glad some people get nice surprises
  10. hatton02

    hatton02 Member

    I was right. A fail. I'm kinda worried going back to studying this as I remember all the angst and hatred towards the notation but hopefully something will click and it will all become easy.

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