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October 2019 Exam CP2

Discussion in 'CP2' started by GemmaHayes, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. GemmaHayes

    GemmaHayes Member

    Hi All,

    What were your thoughts on this sitting? I found it extremely difficult, much more so than the previous sittings! Is it likely to have a much lower pass mark as a consequence? Thanks :)
  2. JoeKing

    JoeKing Member

    Yes, it seemed crazy difficult this time around, far more required to be completed than in April 2019. It was impossible to get to the second scenario in paper 1 completed and very hard to find any time to talk about the conclusions and next steps in paper 2. Hopefully there is a reduction in the pass mark to compensate. Those sitting in US were also hit with some additional sleep deprivation too just to make their lives more interesting!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2019
    GemmaHayes likes this.
  3. souljact

    souljact Member

    I also found it quite difficult, particularly paper 1. I left out so many questions to try and write a decent document. It will be interesting to see the pass mark this time.
    GemmaHayes likes this.
  4. GemmaHayes

    GemmaHayes Member

    Yes, I think it was difficult to know how to approach the project with that in mind. Either skip chunks of the model steps and write a few pages of audit trail or attempt to get as much of a mixture of both with a limited time to complete audit trail due to the more difficult model. The simulation dataset was much more difficult to manipulate and perform calcs on than 5 schools students results and basic multiplication/ division so hopefully they might take that into account when correcting the exam :) Paper 2 was no walk in the park either ;)
    souljact likes this.
  5. GemmaHayes

    GemmaHayes Member

    I see from the Student Consultative Forum the comments on the April exam about errors, the size of the dataset and the lack of advice on technical elements so I see I wasn't on my own. Hopefully this cohort of students aren't penalised for the errors on the side of the exam setting process! Their response is encouraging anyway "the examiners will take that into consideration when determining the overall pass mark for the exam." Let's hope so when we see the pass rate on Thursday ;)

    "I was disappointed at what were, in my opinion, some sloppy elements to the CP2 examination questions.
    1) In paper 1 the number of vines for the 2nd ("smaller") vineyard was not specified, although this was a material assumption in building the model. A strange "data error" if this was deliberate.
    2) In paper 1 (2 iii a and 2 vii) we are asked to compare findings with "the theoretical average" (indicating the "mean" to the majority of readers) of a quantity defined as an exponential function of a uniform random variable. This involves an integration I would imagine is outside the scope of the syllabus, and a fairly heavy calculation for the marks allocated. Asking for the "median" instead would have helped for the first vineyard. For the 2nd vineyard this calculation was even more complex, and also involved the mean number of "core" and "overtime" hours worked which involves calculation of the mean of a truncated uniform random variable.
    3) Despite the assurances in the question paper, there was a mistake in the model provided (see e.g. cell D8 of "Most Deliveries" tab which has a non-zero allocation lower than the minimum). Using different information sources (audit trail, question paper, model) which contradicted one another caused a lot of confusion and wasted time when trying to understand the model.
    CP2 Paper 1 – the question style was very different to recent years past papers and no methodology/formulae given for the uniform distribution which meant students either had to know the detail or remember the specific subject it could be found in to look up, wasting valuable time in the exam. In previous papers the methodology or generic formula was provided."
  6. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    Hi GemmaHayes,
    Can you please share the SCF's comments (in relation to CP2) or let us know where to find them?
  7. patron

    patron Member

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