October 2010

Discussion in 'CT5' started by DevonMatthews, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    I found this exam to be one of the more depressing that i have ever taken. A lot of questions that are within reach, but not enough time to think. Only attempted about 85% of the paper whilst trying to work as fast as possible. I'm sure I made loads of numerical errors all over the place because i was very keen not to waste time.

    I would say i will be writing this same exam in April with 85% probability.
  2. rshenoy

    rshenoy Member

    :) how many times have you given this paper? I have given it twice already. I didn't give this paper this time. I will give it in the Indian exams next month; they have a mutual exemption agreement with IoA, UK. whatever people say, I think CT5 is the toughest of the CT series. and what makes it worse is that you know everything but just don't have the time to finish. You linger a bit too long on some questions ensuring you get them right. And there are no marks for correct steps etc all that is hogwash.
  3. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    This was my 1st attempt at CT5, I wish I was in a position to have another go at it in a month; I would definitely approach it differently. I'm pretty sure marks are awarded for using correct methodology. If they are not then I certainly have 0 chance of passing.
  4. Lewin

    Lewin Member

    i thought you were doing CT6 having seen you at the CT6 discussion board.
    Was CT5 Harder than CT6?
    I plan on taking CT5 IN april .
  5. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    I did both CT5 and 6 this time around (1st attempt for both).I think CT5 is much easier to digest but ultimately the exam just comes down to who has the greater finger-mind-pen-calculator-page flicking co-ordination skill, CT6 is theoretically more difficult but the exam is less computationally intense.
  6. Wookie

    Wookie Member

    Third time lucky

    Good to know I'm not the only one struggling with CT5... if this is a white whale named archilles's heel.

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