October 2009 3 (ii)

Discussion in 'SA4' started by Tonks, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Tonks

    Tonks Member

    This question has 17 marks yet the ASET solution does not seem to contain enough points to attain this many marks. Am I missing something?
  2. October 2009


    The answer used to be slightly bigger. It contained a brief discussion of what GN9 said about estimating the solvency position. The examiners' report also contains these points, as GN9 was explicitly examinable at that time. We removed this material given that GN9 is no longer examinable.

    There are just over 30 distinct bullets or paragraphs in the answer. Most would be worth 1/2 a mark, but a few of the bigger paragraphs could be worth 1 mark (or equivalently have two ideas for 1/2 a mark each), so I would say there is just enough for 17 marks. (With the GN9 material, there was more than enough for 17 marks.)

    I hope this helps

    Best wishes

    Stuart Underwood
    ActEd Tutor

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