NUS - The Acturial Profession

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by Little Miss Actuary, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. Hi

    I'm just applying for my NUS card. All over their website they are spelling Actuarial as Acturial. Nice :rolleyes:
  2. Schnorbitz

    Schnorbitz Member

    I want to be an Acturian!
  3. Good luck. I've had endless grief with them consistently sending back my application because:

    1) it was not a 6th form application form that I used (well, no surprises there - I wasn't applying as a 6th form student)

    and then

    2) I was using an out of date application form (new one enclosed) (it wasn't enclosed AND the one I was using was up to date!)

    and they will NOT reply via email.

    So I'm going to have to phone them again and go through my form with someone on the line who can't see the form I'm looking at and then it'll probably get sent back to me again!!!! :mad:

    BTW I had no problems getting the thing last year.
  4. I sent them an email, politely pointing out their spelling error and two days later (so it wasn't an automated response) I got this reply:

    "Thank you for your enquiry. Unfortunately we are unable to respond to your enquiry via email. Please contact the Associate Card hotline on 0845 217 7714 for further assistance.

    NUS Associate Card"

    Umm, what exactly do they have an email address for? Like I'm going to phone them on a revenue generating number to tell them what I have already emailed them. They haven't corrected their site :rolleyes:
  5. That is exactly what I keep getting from them. I reckon it's just an automated response with a delay on it.

    The only other one I've gotten is:

    "Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding the NUS Associate Card. An application form for the 2007/08 Associate Card has been posted out to you.


    NUS Associate Card"

    In my current email correspondence (with myself, it would seem) I've now had this one twice and the other one (thanks, pls phone us) four times. :eek:

    So I'll be phoning them.

    While I'm generating money for them I'll let them know about the spelling mistake for you ;)
  6. King

    King Member

    The whole thing is a waste of time and money anyway, just try getting a student discount on a card that reads “The Actuarial Profession”.

    “Actuarial Student” or “Student of the Institute of Actuaries” or something might have been useful, but as it stands i’ve spent £7 greasing the coffers of an organisation I can’t stand, for no gain whatsoever.
  7. It does help. I get discounted travel with the bus company in my area (stagecoach). You do need to check beforehand if they'll accept an NUS Associate card though. Also managed discount at the cinema so far. The biggest use is by far the travel - saves me LOTS of cash.
  8. jeaneu

    jeaneu Member

    The biggest discount I got using my NUS card was a whopping 50% discount on a £60 ticket to see a show in the South Bank Centre....
    ... plus if you read / buy a lot of books some bookshops give you discounts, especially ones near universities...
  9. Card is worth it

    I had the associate card and it saved me a small fortune. The key is to ask for a student discount - don't mention the fact it's an "associate" card. Most shop assistants don't know the difference and if you ask them if they take the associate card they are more likely to check with a manager and then refuse!
  10. Actuary

    Actuary Member

    Annoyingly Actuarial is spelt wrong on the actual card too. Never had a problem using it yet though - accepted everywhere NUS is. Whether I've saved £10 and the negative utility endured by filling in the form I doubt.

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