No Reading List's for the ST subjects

Discussion in 'General study / exams' started by NSMIL, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. NSMIL

    NSMIL Member

    I find it a bit strange that there’s no reading list for the ST subjects. On the institute web page there’s a reading list for CT's and SA's.

    I emailed the institute to only find out the very unhelpful reply that they don’t have one.

    I doubt I would read the books if there was a list but it would give a clearer indication of what was expected/covered in each module. I think it’s important to have one.

    Considering that we are given a choice at the ST level and the pass rates vary by quite a lot. I think it necessary to do the background research before committing to my choices.

    Wondering what other people opinions are?
  2. JayKay

    JayKay Member

    I don't think there has been reading lists issued for subjects at this level, I don't ever recall seeing one for the 300's.
  3. olly

    olly Member

    It would have been very helpful to know that the examiners seem to have taken the Hull book on derivatives as their starting point for ST6 rather than the core material!

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