New Years Resolutions

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by Zapher, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. Zapher

    Zapher Member

    So what are yours?

    Besides the usual: Study more :)
  2. Meldemon

    Meldemon Member

    Only one resolution - to drink Champagne and cause trouble!
  3. Goku

    Goku Member

    My resolution

    "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

    Truthful saying indeed, but man, am I so tired of always having a plan for every little in my life. So one of my resolutions for the year is to live spontaneously, as much as I can.

    So I want to be able to go the movies, and decide what movie to watch when I get there. I don't want to make stacks of calls to find out wants to join me, then make a tele-booking, pay with my credit card and then find out exactly what time the movie starts so that I can get there approxiamtely 15min before the movie starts, to watch the trailers and be in my seat with popcorn and refreshments, having had enough time to join the queue and check my email out at the same time. Did that sound like fun?

    lol, I'm going a bit overboard here, slightly gung-ho on this, but I've noticed that people do not live anymore, but just follow a plan day in, day out. There's no glow on their faces. They don't listen when you talk to them, there's no silly laughter... Ofcourse there are certain things that need to be planned, but it's become an obsession these days. Everything has to fit in perfectly, so that we can live perfectly...does it feel perfect at the end of it all?

    Just some of my thoughts...

    Oh and my other resolutions is to keep to my word, and never go against it.

    That's about it...
  4. Goku - sounds like you need to watch "Yes Man". Or read the book. Just say "Yes" to everything - live totally spontaneously as you never know what someone will ask. Although you might end up with a lot of copies of Big Issue.
  5. CannonRee

    CannonRee Member

    So you plan to be spontaneous?

    Mine are:
    a) Lose the same amount of weight that I lost last year
    2) Try to find a way of letting go of stress and not get too worked up about everything
    *) Have fun
    iv) Use a consistent numbering system
    5) Don't get stuck in infinite loops
    f) GOTO 5
  6. Goku

    Goku Member

    There are a few more aspirations. Specifically:

    1. a.Resume with my South Indian Classical (Carnatic) voice training and
    b.Get back into my Classical drumming and play for my temple again.

    2. Cut down on my purchases of Eau de toilette, big time, and branded tee's!

    3. Go to a full-day spa treatment (yep, still haven't done that)

    4. a. Drop my body fat to 12-14% (enough to reveal my abs :) hopefully)
    b. Swim 0.5Km in 25min, without stopping / run 2km withouth stopping
    c. Drop 5kg to 70kg

    5. Be less detailed in my emails (not all of them are laymen :) )

    6. Avoid watching an Arsenal game that's showing on the tele, and instead study (by far the most difficult in this list)
  7. MindFull

    MindFull Ton up Member

  8. Gareth

    Gareth Member

    Drink more and exercise less ;-)
  9. jaz08

    jaz08 Member

    My resolutions include: Study harder. Exercise daily and wake up early in the morning.. Sometimes, I get so lazy to get-up early in the morning. That's what I'm working on right now.
  10. jensen

    jensen Member

    1. Buy my own place
    2. Go dancing more often
    3. Find that store that specialises in pre-owned Hermes items.
    4. $$$
  11. Lisasa

    Lisasa Member

    I want to find a suitable person.
  12. Goku

    Goku Member

    ;) so do I...must be the right person though - doctor? CA? actuary?! ;)
  13. Goku

    Goku Member

    Um, with just under 2 months to go for 2010, is your 2009 resolution still a "New" year's resolution?

  14. capitalH

    capitalH Member

    Updangab73, since your resolution is not to make any resolutions, by making this resolution does this mean you failed?

    It would be interesting to see if anybody that made resolutions had any success...
  15. DevonMatthews

    DevonMatthews Member

    Not if he said My resolution is to not make any resolutions after this one.

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