Mutual Recognition

Discussion in 'Careers' started by Maxen, May 15, 2012.

  1. Maxen

    Maxen Member


    I'm a swedish engineering student, interested in an actuarial career. I've found out that I can transfer between the swedish actuarial society and the instutute/faculty of actuarys in the UK through the Groupe Consultatif. This would be the fastest way for me to become a fellow and also much less expensive than taking the exams. However, Im not sure what employers in the UK think of this, and I can imagine that they prefer actuaries who has qualified in the UK.

    Has anyone here been adopted this ways or know someone who has, and can tell if they've noticed any differenses in terms of competence, employability etc, compared tp actuarys who have qualified in the UK?
  2. Viki2010

    Viki2010 Member

    I would imagine that you need to factor in your particular experience as well. In general, the London market is highly competative and if you have 10 candidates to choose from for one position, you can choose a perfect package -> UK experience, UK qualified with the necessary skills required. Being non-UK qualified in the UK is a rather disadvantage I would imagine.
  3. Elroy

    Elroy Member

    If your aim is to work in the UK, do something that UK employers understand.

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