Multiple Monitors

Discussion in 'Careers' started by mike214, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. mike214

    mike214 Member


    My employer is considering introducing going to 2 or 3 monitors for each of our computers to help productivity - please can you advise if any of you use multiple monitors in your workplace and if so, how beneficial you think they are.

  2. Copen

    Copen Member

    I have a laptop (with stand) and a fixed larger monitor side by side. Obviously the laptop is good for trips.

    2 monitors is useful: to work on one monitor whilst refering to or typing up an email as I go along on the other monitor, or to work in two spreadsheets / models simultaneously.

    copy data from one excel spreadsheet to another
    compare previous version / current version
    1 scenario vs another
    working with linked spreadsheets

    Would definitely recommend 2 as I think I work faster, but it depends on the type of work you do. Only seen people with 3 monitors in banks
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2011
  3. Calum

    Calum Member

    Put it this way. A flat screen monitor, if you buy one for everyone in your office, is on the order of £120. An actuary is getting paid £30k+ at minimum.

    120/30000 = 0.4%

    The question, then, is will a second monitor increase your productivity by more than 0.4%? This depends, of course, on your workload and so on, but studies have shown that increases of 20-30% in productivity are quite normal.

    If there's any dispute about it, run a pilot with a few people and then see if you can take the monitors back off them....
  4. mike214

    mike214 Member

    Thanks for your help guys.

    I figured I would get answers like this and I agree that they are likely to be very cost effective but there is quite a resistance to the idea unfortunately (my managers don't see how they will be beneficial) so I will try to push for a trial ;)
  5. Calum

    Calum Member

  6. mattt78

    mattt78 Member


    if it increases you're productivity by more than 20% i'd have thought you must have been doing something seriously inefficient beforehand!

    i'm definitely a fan of having 2 screens though - if you're likely to be working with more than a couple of files/applications most of the time, or running models on remote machines etc, they'll definietly be a help.

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