Multifactor Models Question

Discussion in 'SP5' started by avanbuiten, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    Chapter 21 page 6:

    "If the expected return indicated by the multifactor model is lower than that indicated by the share price the share appears cheap"

    So say my better model estimates a return of 1% (ie, not very much), but the share price indicates the market estimates the return at 17% (much higher), then the share appears cheap?

    Wouldn't it be the case that the market has over-valued the share?

    Help please!!!
  2. Meldemon

    Meldemon Member

    If expected return is say $17, then and expected rate of return of 17% indicates a share price of $100.
    (solve for price: Expected rate = Expected return / Share price)

    An expected rate of 1% (again using an amount of $17) and solving for price would indicate a share price of $1,700. If this is our model, the actual share price appears (VERY) low compared to our 'expected' price.

    Another way of thinking about it - has always been the easier way for me to wrap my grey matter around it:

    Total share 'value' = share price now + expected future return

    Assume the share value remains constant regardless of price, then a higher expected return would indicate a lower share price & vice versa


    (The core reading tends to take the first approach when discussing this so probably the more 'correct' way to state it in the exam)

    Hope this helps!
  3. avanbuiten

    avanbuiten Member

    Thanks! Very helpful :D

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